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Fitness Health

Why Green Apples Instead of Red Apples?

Green apples have more nutrient content than red apples have more fiber and comparatively fewer carbohydrates than red apples. #nutrition #cancer #greenapples #redapples #weightloss #healthier #lgitraining

Eating fruit enables you to lead a healthy life. What you might not know is that some fruits are better than the others. This holds true for green apples. In comparison to red apples, green apples are much healthier.

Why so?

For starters, green apples have more nutrient content than red apples. According to research, they have more fiber and comparatively fewer carbohydrates than red apples. However, the nutritional content differences between the two are quite less. To illustrate this, you can compare the nutritional content of green apples vs. red apples. In a small green apple, you get approximately 21g of carbohydrates, 4g protein, 4g dietary fiber, 4mg iron, and 6mg Vitamin C. Compared to this; a red apple consists of 22g of carbs, 4g iron, 5g fiber, 20mcg Vitamin A and 4.8 mg Vitamin C.

+!+!+!+PIN NOW-READ LATER!+!+!+ Green apples have more nutrient content than red apples have more fiber and comparatively fewer carbohydrates than red apples. #nutrition #cancer #greenapples #redapples #weightloss #healthier #lgitraining
Why green apples instead of red apples?

The Benefits of Green Apples

Listed below are some benefits associated with green apples as opposed to red apples.

1. A lot of Dietary Fiber

Green apples are more beneficial than red apples because they are incredibly high in dietary fiber. This characteristic allows green apples to be ideal for regulating bowel movements. Hence, you can expect your overall digestive process to be improved due to the consumption of green apples.

2. Prevention Against Colon Cancer

Various studies have indicated that due to the high dietary fiber content in green apples, the fruit has a direct connection with reduction in the probability of colon cancer.

3. Decreased Appetite

One of the biggest reasons for weight increase is overeating. Green apples can be used as an appetite suppressant. This fruit is said to be helpful in reducing the urge to overeat. The consumption of green apples helps you to feel satiated. Therefore, consuming green apple allows you to regulate your weight.

4. Lack of Bad Cholesterol

Studies found that eating two to three medium-sized apples resulted in a decrease in total cholesterol levels between 5% and 13%. LDL cholesterol levels were lowered by at least 7% in some studies, and HDL levels were increased by up to 12%. Studies found that the ingredients in apples most likely contributing to the improved cholesterol levels were pectin and polyphenols. By lowering your cholesterol levels, you decrease your chances of developing various health issues, including but not limited to plaque formation in your arteries which can ultimately lead to strokes, heart attacks, and peripheral artery disease.

+!+!+!+PIN NOW-READ LATER!+!+!+ Green apples have more nutrient content than red apples have more fiber and comparatively fewer carbohydrates than red apples. #nutrition #cancer #greenapples #redapples #weightloss #healthier #lgitraining

5. Presence of Enzymes Facilitate Digestion

Sometimes we overestimate what our stomach can bear. We consume heavy foods and then are burdened with regret later on. Here’s a helpful tip, try eating a green apple after a heavy meal. In doing so, the green apple will help facilitate digestion within your body; this is because they are equipped with enzymes that enhance the natural digestion process in the body.

6. Combating Liver and Digestive Tract Problems

Due to the high fiber content found in green apples, this fruit has also been found relevant in helping to reduce the instances of liver problems as well as issues within the digestive tract.

7. Cancer Prevention and A Boost of Energy

There are two benefits in green apples that are also found in red apples. Firstly, these fruits help in preventing various types of cancer. This is because apples are equipped with two vital antioxidants namely polyphenol and flavonoid which aids in preventing the onset of this sometimes fatal disease as well as DNA oxidation damage.

Moreover, apples, whether they are red or green, delivers a boost of energy. This is because they contain carbs that help in offering strength to the body. This is why you might have noticed athletes or people who live a somewhat active life tend to use apples as their on the go, go to fruit.

+!+!+!+PIN NOW-READ LATER!+!+!+ Green apples have more nutrient content than red apples have more fiber and comparatively fewer carbohydrates than red apples. #nutrition #cancer #greenapples #redapples #weightloss #healthier #lgitraining
The benefits of green apples…let me count the ways!

8. Improving Memory and Reducing Strokes

Various clinical studies have been done to gauge green apples and its benefits. Studies concluded that green apples might play a role in enhancing memory. According to research, apples tend to have a neuroprotective effect, thereby preventing the onset of dementia.

Further studies revealed that apples also reduce the chance of having a stroke. Nine thousand people were observed, and it was found that those who ate more apples witnessed fewer strokes than those who didn’t.

All in all, green apples tend to offer more benefits than red apples. Most of it boils down to the high fiber content and nutritional differences. Whenever faced with the decision of which to eat, obviously green apples would be the better choice of the two, in more ways than one.

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