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Health Weight Loss

What Causes Obesity? How to Accomplish Your Goals…


We all are aware of the fact that obesity is the excessive accumulation of fat in the body that can impact health; causing problems like stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, etc. Obesity, like most diseases, is also known to decrease a persons life span. However, some still argue that obesity is not disease, but yet a condition! If you ask me, that’s still up for debate. Be it a disease or a condition it can still be prevented! Ever wonder why some people gain so much weight? Let’s find out what makes people obese:


  • Genetics: Researches prove that parent’s genes play a very crucial role in passing off obesity into their children.
  • Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle that lacks any physical exercise is one of the primary causes that increase the risk of obesity.
  • Junk food: People who are addicted to consuming junk food are more likely to get obese with time.
  • Medication: Medicines prescribed for certain ailments like diabetes and depression also contribute to weight gain that can lead to obesity.


RELATED: A Brief Guide to Trusting the Process of your Fitness Journey

Some will even argue that #obesity is not just a condition but a disease! A disease that can be prevented! #weightloss #obesity #goals #nutrition


We have all gone through phases of setting unobtainable fitness goals and not sticking to them most of the time! What can we do to remain just as motivated as we were when we initially set our fitness goals? Without motivation, even the best fitness and diet regime in the world cannot guarantee that you’ll accomplish your fitness goals.

What matters most is the hard work and consistency you put into accomplishing your goals. A disciplined fitness routine calls for a lot of motivation and drive. Losing weight is not a rapid process. It requires a lot of perseverance and determination on the part of the person seeking to get results. In order to remain motivated, reinforcing positive thoughts in regards to your fitness goals is a MUST!

More importantly, motivation is required to lose weight. Something or someone has to spark a flame to kick you into gear in order to even set a goal. To keep the momentum you have to make sure that your goals are obtainable; this will also minimize stress levels. However, what matters most, are your actions!

The vision is the first step, setting obtainable goals is the second step, but the actions you take to actually help you achieve your fitness goals are the driving force!

The three most important factors that influence weight loss are EXERCISE, DIET and ATTITUDE.

Obesity: Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter


  • Create a schedule for your fitness regime and make it apart of your daily routine.
  • Let breakfast be the largest meal of your day.
Obesity: How to Manage
Have A Hearty Breakfast
  • Choose a fitness regime of your liking and one that will fit into your lifestyle.
  • Take a break and try new activities to lose weight if your workout routine starts getting monotonous.
  • Get the help of a professional trainer to avoid injuries and follow the proper technique for best results.
Obesity: Mind Over Matter
Book Your FREE Session TODAY!


  • Cheer yourself on! YOU ARE YOUR BIGGEST FAN!
  • Downsizing meals into portions or even cooking them in a healthier manner can bring about a difference.


Obesity: Eat According to Your Goals
It’s All About Proportions…Eat According to Your Goals!


  • Don’t forget to reward yourself!
  • Be committed enough to not let anything get in the way of YOUR RESULTS.

I know you’re probably reading this article and thinking “its easier said than done,” but you have to find out what works for you. Set some goals, stay consistent and demolish your results! You already know what happens when you quit, so push yourself to find out what happens when you don’t quit! I’m not trying to paint a picture of this journey being an easy one, but as the saying goes anything work having is worth working for.


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 Meet Marcus - Let's Get It Training ( L.G.I Training)


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