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Exercise Fitness Legs and Glutes

How To Build Your Butt From Home: Squats Not Shots

Build A Butt from Home

If you have made it this far, then it’s safe to say that you have already realized that not everyone has been blessed with the butt they want and deserve, but don’t fret because help is here!

Below is a list of some of the most effective butt building exercises known to man and the best part about these exercises is that you don’t need a gym to do them. These exercises can be done from the comfort of your home and most importantly at your leisure.

A couple of helpful tips:

1.You have to start somewhere. Finding this website was a step in the right direction.
2.Don’t forget to rest. You are not to repeat these exercises more than 3 to 4 times a week!
3.Remember that consistency is the key to success!


Repeat each butt building exercise with no more than a 30-second rest in between. You want to do at least three sets of 10 for each exercise; with no more than a minute rest in between each set.

Donkey Kicks

Using a flat surface (floor) you start by getting down on all fours. Once stable, extend your right leg outwards, then proceed to lift that leg up 3 to 4 inches and back down (without letting your right foot touch the floor). You’re going to repeat this task, ten times using your right leg. Once done, you’re going to alternate legs and repeat the steps above. You’ll repeat this for a total of 3 reps.


At Home Butt Lift
Donkey Kick


Standing upright, place one foot in front of the other with your hands down by your side; if it helps with balancing feel free to put your hands on your hips. Bend both of your legs, bringing your body towards the ground, while making sure to keep your back straight. There is no need to allow your knee to touch the floor, but you want to get as close as you can to the floor as possible without allowing your knee to hit the floor, and then come back up. You will repeat this ten times on one leg before switching to the other. You will repeat this for a total of 3 reps.


At Home Butt Lift


Lift Pulses

Using a flat surface (floor) you start by standing upright. Once stable, using your right leg, with your knee bent, proceed to lift that leg up 3 to 4 inches; your knee should not be point downward towards the floor. Hold that position for 10 seconds before switching to the opposite leg. Rotate between legs until you’ve done three sets of 10 (right leg, then left leg is considered as one lift pulse).


At Home Butt Lift
Leg Pulse



Squats are a very common way to lift and build your butt, but you have to be careful with these because if done incorrectly you could seriously injure yourself. I suggest maybe having someone around that can watch you and make sure that your posture is as it should be when performing this particular exercise. A mirror would be very helpful in assisting you to make sure that your posture is straight as well if you don’t have someone available to watch for you.

Starting from the upright position, squat down into the sitting position (as if you are about to sit down in a chair); however, you want to be sure to keep your back straight as well as to make sure that your knees don’t extend past your feet while in the sitting position. When returning from this stance and back into the upright position you are to squeeze your butt and thrust your hips forward. You will repeat these steps ten times for a total of 3 reps.


At Home Butt Lift



Lay flat on your back with your feet planted on the ground and your knees pointing upward. Squeeze your buttocks and thrust your hips upwards, bring your butt off the ground, before bringing your hips back down, all while making sure that your buttocks don’t hit the ground. You will do this ten times for three reps.

At Home Butt Lifts





Not everyone has been blessed with the butt they want and deserve, but don’t fret, help is here! You can build your butt from the comfort of your own home. #butt #buildabutt #squats #squatsnotshots #lgitraining


You may also like: 7 Squat Variations You Need to Try



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