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Abs Exercise Fitness

Flat Tummy for Dummies: Effective and Reliable Ab Workouts for Beginners

Beginners - Sit-Ups

Ab workouts result in rapid weight loss, toning of the body, waist slimming, and of course improvement in overall body strength. Thus, any person planning a workout routine is often advised to include ab workouts. However, for beginners, there are some rules and regulations specified. The beginners need not immediately start with heavy ab workout exercises. They should begin with basic ab exercises which can burn the unhealthy fat and assist in tummy flattening as well.

Useful ab workouts for beginners:


Bird Dog

Beginners - Bird Dog

Make sure you’re on a leveled surface before getting down on your hands and knees…that’s right all fours!

Note: You should be on your knees and with your palms flat and your toes pointing into the ground/floor.

Extend your lright arm outward while simultaneously extending your left leg backward; be sure to squeeze your abs while performing this exercise.

Repeat the exercise 5x on each side.


RELATED: Beginner Abdominal Exercises that Matter: How to Tighten Your Tummy After Having a Baby



Beginners - Sit Ups Beginners - Sit-Up

Cross your arms over your chest. Lie flat on your back with your legs slightly bent at the knee. Squeeze your abdominal muscles while lifting your upper body off of the floor in a forward motion so that your chest meets knees at the halfway mark.

Note: If you need more leverage feel free to secure your legs under something to make sure you stay planted (i.e. the edge of a couch).

Lower your upper body back to the start position. Up then down equals one sit-up.

Repeat the exercise for a total of 10 reps: 3 sets.




Beginners - Plank

Start from a push-up position; lower yourself down onto your forearms. Your arms should be parallel to one another with your hands lying flat on the ground. Some people even clasps their hands together, almost as if they are praying, this may be a little more comfortable. You also want to make sure that you’re squeezing your abdomen and buttocks, as tight as possible while holding this position.

Hold this position for a minimum of 15 seconds.

Note: You may increase the length of time that you hold your plank as you advance. The ultimate goal is 1 minute or longer.



Beginners - Knee-Ins

Sit on the floor with your palms under your bottom, and your legs bent at the knee. Extend your legs outward so that your feet touch the floor and your abs tighten at the bottom.

Return to the start position.

Repeat the exercise for a total of 10 reps: 3 sets.

Note: Gradually increase the number of reps and sets as you advance.

+!+!+!+PIN NOW VIEW LATER+!+!+!  Ab workouts result in rapid weight loss, toning of the body, waist slimming, and of course improvement in overall body strength. #Flattummy #abs #bellyfat #losestomach #muscles #sixpack

RELATED: 6 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat, Based on Science

Leg Raise

Beginners - Leg Raises

Leg raises are another workout that focuses on the abdominal muscles and is perfect for beginners.

Lie flat on your back with your legs together and extended outward. Making sure to keep your legs together lift your legs upward until your bottom lifts off of the floor.

Carefully lower your legs back down to the start position, stopping about an inch from the floor.

Hold that position for three seconds before lifting your legs back upward.


Repeat the exercise for a total of 10 reps: 3 sets.


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