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Fitness Health

Top Ten Fitness Trends: Catch the Wave

Wearable Technology

The physical condition of your body has always been a great concern of most. When it comes to fitness, people have tried a number of fads, trends, techniques, and machinery just to be fit, hale and hearty. Some worked and others didn’t…The reason for this is because what works for someone else doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work for you!

It’s okay to seek help, but that should only be a guide, not a blueprint for your health and fitness journey. Everyone’s journey is different and they obtain results at different stages. It’s kind of like a fingerprint, no one’s print is identical to anyone else’s; that also goes for your personal fitness journey and results.


Top Ten Fitness Trends


1. Fitness professionals

Personal Trainer Trends

The public is becoming more anxious about their health and body outline. As the quantity of health-conscious people increases, the amounts of in-use fitness workers will likely rise faster than any other occupation according to the U.S. Labor division. Knowledgeable and qualified fitness professionals ranked as the top fitness trend in 2013. Fast forward four years later and fitness professionals are the new wave.


2. HIIT Exercises

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HIIT exercises are becoming more and more common amongst the fit and fabulous. HIIT exercises are the best way to get a great workout in just half the time as it would take you to do a regular workout; with results that are just as good if not better! These exercises are performed at an intense pace with little to no rest in between.


3. Fitness Programs for Elders

Bicycling Trends

Health clubs for adults are popping up one by one giving suitable exercises with the contemplation of the people’s age and ability to exercise. As older people become more attracted to the fitness and health industry, supplementary fitness clubs are able to capitalize on older clients.


4. Body-Weight Training

Bodyweight Trends

The next to potency training is body-weight training, which is most likely the most usual way to be hale and hearty. Such training uses minimum training apparatus and includes customary exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, and planks. There are still people who accept as true that ordinary way of exercising is still the most excellent alternative to lose weight and be healthy.


5. Back to fundamentals

Back to the Drawing Board Trends

Some fitness experts still suppose that not anything can thump the fundamentals. There may have been dissimilar ultra-modern apparatus and gadgets to be vigorous, but getting back to basic is still more efficient than any other recently invented techniques. Day by day rounds of walking and running in the vicinity still thump those low-calorie pills and steroids. It may not be the quickest way, but it’s the safest.


6. Functional Training

Functional training (i.e., lunges, push-ups, etc.) is an implement that improves the body for day after day activities. It includes the use of potency training to advance sense of balance, body synchronization, power, and survival.


7. Central Part Training

Stability Ball Trends

Researchers believe that exercising central part muscles improves the body’s constancy for day to day actions and sports routine. Central part training includes the use of steadiness balls and tremble boards to steady midsection muscles. Such fitness trends are great for working the abs and core muscles.


8. Yoga

Beginner Yoga -Warrior Pose Trends

According to the Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, researchers believe that yoga works wonders for relieving the stress of expecting mothers and is more effective than physical therapy when it comes to minimizing pain, depression and anxiety and spinal mobility.


9. Group Training

Several budget-conscious folks resort to group preparation for markdown and social purposes. There are fitness experts that offer calisthenics services to groups of people. Such a trend gives people the possibility of being given support from other people. Group training does not only advance health but also increases social lives.


10. Technology


Wearable Technology Trends

Wearable technology has been ranked number one in fitness trends for the year of 2018. Household names like Apple and Fitbit have made billions of dollars by helping people track their workouts, GPS their routes and keep up with their heart rates with these little gadgets. They’re sporty, fashionable, extremely compact, accurate and you can literally carry them on your arm without even realizing they’re there!


Fitness is preliminary to building a new civilization. New fitness trends have considerably changed the minds of biased individuals when it comes to health. Customary or ultra-modern, slow or fast-paced, fitness has taken a place in the lives of most humans.


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