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Intermediate HIIT Exercises that Work: Get Your Blood Flowing and Adrenaline Pumping

Treadmill Blast

Are you among those people who want to burn extra fat? Do you need a boost in the direction of some effective, intermediate HIIT workouts to aid you in the fat burning process? Do you need an effective workout but don’t have loads of free time? If your answer is yes, then this article will be extremely beneficial to you because the majority of people don’t have a bunch of free time to dedicate towards working out; however, I have some excellent news you! Some of the latest research studies have found that HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is time-saving as compared to traditional workouts. It consists of both moderate and high-intensity exercises that are carried out for short time durations; for example, doing 30 seconds of high-intensity exercises, immediately followed by 20 seconds low-intensity exercises.


RELATED: Beginner HIIT Exercises that Work: Get Your Blood Flowing and Adrenaline Pumping


Benefits of Intermediate HIIT exercises

Listed below are some of the advantages that an intermediate HIIT workout has to offer.

•    Burns more fats as compared to steady-state cardio exercises
•    Boosts metabolism and energy levels
•    Calories will burn at a much faster speed
•    Builds cardiovascular strength
•    Keeps your blood flowing
•    Improves glucose tolerance
•    Regulates blood sugar level
•    Enhances functions of the mitochondria, which provides energy to all body cells

***As with any exercise, make sure you stretch before and after the workout!


Intermediate HIIT Exercises that Work:

Now, I know that you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I’m past the beginner stages, and not quite considered as a pro; what exercises are best for me?” I’m glad you asked! LOL The following intermediate HIIT exercises are found to be more efficient for your exercise group.


1.    Treadmill Blast



Intermediate HIIT-Treadmill Blast

You should use a treadmill for doing this workout. Sprint on the treadmill for 5 minutes and then take a 30-second break.  Run for another 5 minutes. This 10-minute exercise will provide you with positive results if you carry it out on a regular basis.

***No treadmill? No problem! A run around your neighborhood will do you just fine!


2.    Front Lunge Pushup


Using a pair of dumbbells that are most comfortable for you. Start from the upright position, feet close together weights down at your side. Step forward into the lunge position using your right leg. Lower your body down until your legs form a 90-degree angle. When you’re in a comfortable lunge, bring yourself back towards the upright position by bringing your left leg forward until your thigh, and the floor are parallel to one another; (you should now be standing on one leg {right leg}). Hold your balance in this position for 3 seconds then return to starting position and alternate using the opposite leg; that’s considered as one. Repeat ten times; this is considered as a set. Do three sets of ten with 30-second rest in between each set.


3.    Upper Body HIIT


You will need dumbbells for performing this particular exercise, which will work on your upper body.

The following circuit of upper body exercises should take you anywhere from 6 to 9 minutes to complete.


Standing Upright Row

Standing in the upright position, with your arms down to your sides and the dumbbells tightly secured in each hand (your thumbs pointing towards each other). Carefully bright your arms upward (vertical row movements to lift the weights) only bending them at the elbows and keeping them as close to your body as possible (dumbbells should be now being just below your chin, and make sure your elbows are pointed away from your body). Bring your arms back down to the start position (be sure to control the weight, don’t allow it to control you!) Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds before immediately starting the next upper body HIIT exercise.

Intermediate HIIT-Standking Upright Row Start Position                 Intermediate HIIT-Standking Upright Row



Overhead Dumbbell Press


Start from the upright position, while holding the dumbbells on each side of your shoulders. Move your arms upward until they are completely extended, and the dumbbells are kissing (the dumbbells should meet directly above the center of your head). Lower them back down to start position. Be sure to control the weights. Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.


Dumbbell High Pull


Holding the dumbbells securely in your hands (overhand clasped) with your feet spread shoulder width apart; sit back and slightly bend your knees (like you’re about to do a squat without going all the way down). Let the dumbbells hang freely while keeping your back at a 45-degree angle. Plant your feet and explode into the upright position while squeezing your glutes and thrusting your hips forward at the same time pulling the dumbbells up to meet your shoulders. Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.



Your 1 round is complete. Rest for 1 minute and perform the upper body circuit 2 more times.


***Upper body HIIT not only raises your heart rate but also burns extra calories.


Do you need a boost in the direction of some effective, intermediate HIIT workouts to aid you in the fat burning process? Do you need an effective workout... #HIIT #exercise #intermediate #fit #weightloss #fitness #lgitraining #adrenalinepumping #lgitraining


4.    High Knees


An exercise so simple a baby could do it! Ready? Set. GO! Run in place while lifting your knees as high as they’ll go and as fast as you can for 45 seconds.


High knees is a cardiovascular high-intensity workout that keeps your adrenaline pumping by way of consistent blood supply. Moreover, it also strengthens your gluteus, quads, and helps with endurance!


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 Meet Marcus - Let's Get It Training ( L.G.I Training)


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